An International Force
James Gibbons Format continues to develop excellent working relationships worldwide, both direct and through a network of agents and distributors.
Corporate Accounts
Major UK corporates to use James Gibbons Format products include various Co-op and Somerfield outlets, including superstores, and branches of the Britannia and Woolwich building societies, Pizza Hut, Harry Ramsden, BP Filling Stations, Esso and many other organisations with a concern for quality.

HSBC (Midland Bank)
Alex Guthrie, of the Bank's team of architects, says: "We visited the factories of all companies who tendered and selected James Gibbons Format for the quality of their product and their competitive pricing."

Liverpool Conservation Centre
Ken Martin, the project architect for the centre, says: "In this building we have skilled conservationists working on large sculptures, paintings, furniture and ships' models of all sizes. Many of these objects would not pass through normal sized doors. As James Gibbons Format were supplying all the architectural ironmongery for the £8.2 million project to turn the old railway depot into this unique conservation centre, we turned to them for the solution to the access problems thrown up by the large works of art."
More valued clients...
Valued clients include ministries of health, education, transport and defence home office; airport authorities; railway and other mass transit operators; major players in the banking, insurance and public utilities sectors, together with leading government and private architects, engineers and contractors.

Safeway's Robert Williams comments: "We were pleased to renew our association with James Gibbons Format. They have provided us with the quality products we require at an agreed cost, and when we have required them."
Specialist Solutions
Expertise of producing bespoke solutions for over 320 years means customers are confident to turn to James Gibbons Format when they require specialist assistance.